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For long-term reservations, your rent is due the 1st of each month and will be late after the 5th. If your rent payment is late, there will be a $50.00 fee attached to your payment.
Any additional vehicles, boats, trailers, motorcycles etc, must be listed with your paperwork and may be stored in a designated location at a fee of $50 per month. One RV or tent is permitted per site unless approved.
No one may stay in our campground longer than 6 months at a time without leaving. You understand that this agreement expires 6 months after it originates. We feel it is UNSAFE to have a site in use for longer than 6 months without doing proper maintenance. All utilities will be disconnected at the 6 months period. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DO PROPER MAINTENANCE AT ANY TIME.
Campsites are gravel with 30 and 50 amp service with sewer, water, fire ring, picnic table and sanitation disposal. Camp fires are permitted, but please only use designated area. DO NOT burn or discard trash in fire pits.
We also have WiFi.
No animals are to be tied up for a period long enough to kill grass or trees. All droppings are to be picked up and disposed of properly, this includes cat litter. Droppings must be placed in bags and disposed of in the dumpster. Dogs or cats may not be allowed to run free.
No renovations, construction, underpinning or building of any structures are permitted on campground property (unless approved by management). Your site must be kept clean and neat at all times. This includes the areas underneath your RV.
RV or vehicle washing is not allowed. Display of fire arms is prohibited. No alcoholic beverages. No fireworks of any kind.
Trash may be disposed of in our dumpster.
No ropes, chains, wires, strings or lights etc may be tied to any campground items to include trees, rocks etc.
QUIET TIME IS 10pm to 8am.
Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason necessary and evict those who do not comply with the rules.
Management and the owners are not responsible for any loss of property, damage, accidents or injury for any reasons including fire, theft or acts of nature. Management reserves the right to seek compensation for any destruction of SHRV&C property.